CD REVIEW: Belle & Sebastain: 'Dear Catastrophe Waitress'


Four stars

Belle & Sebastian's public personas are about as understated as their music; even the most vocal of the Scottish group's several members, Stuart David, says very little outside of the studio. Hardcore fans suggest that the lack of promotion has made their work ethic more beneficial, but when the music is this good, it's hard to keep it under wraps. The new stuff is as quiet and soft-spoken as ever, but with the help of producer Trevor Horn, the group has found that it's okay to be happy sometimes, as over half of the tracks are untraditionally upbeat. B&S trademark songs like "Asleep On A Sunbeam" and "Wrapped Up In Books" are surrounded by pop reserves like "I'm A Cuckoo" and the foot-tapping title track. Finally after years of critic-only success, fans of earlier recordings like "If You're Feeling Sinister" can join the new fans and be satisfied with the compromise. They're still not on the radio, but "Dear Catastrophe Waitress" is the perfect direction to head in.


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