OUR VIEW: You don't want fries with this

AT ISSUE: McDonald's goes healthy, but is it worth the effort?

A happy meal for adults? Doesn't sound half bad about now, eh?

But wait -- it's healthy.

McDonald's is test marketing it's new "Go Active Meal" at 150 Indiana restaurants, including Muncie's. Instead of a hamburger and a toy, adults who buy the new product get a salad, bottled water, an exercise booklet and a pedometer (a device to measure how far you walk).

Not very "happy."

We applaud McDonald's for trying to offer healthier options. In the wake of the company's first-ever quarterly loss and lawsuits alleging that the company has hidden its products' health risks, the move makes sense.

But it doesn't make much sense for consumers.

As most people already know, if you want to eat healthy, you don't go to McDonald's. You go somewhere that offers fresh salads and good sandwiches, or better yet, you avoid fast food entirely.

That way you know exactly what you're eating, and there's less temptation to opt for something that will super-size your waistline.

When you walk into McDonald's and see a prepackaged salad next to a Quarter Pounder, which will you honestly choose?

By all means, if you find yourself at McDonald's with friends and have the will power to stick to a diet, try the Go Active Meal. But if you're trying to make a lifestyle of healthy eating, McDonald's still might not be the best choice.

Not that the company has much to worry about; all it has to do is stick to what it does best.

Eventually, people are going to have a craving for that grease.


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