LETTER: Daily News section 'disgraceful'

Dear Editor,

Disgraceful! - "Take me drunk, I'm home"? Are you serious? I am shocked that an office of the University would actually promote drunkenness - to a primarily underage audience. I'm not an uptight curmudgeon too old to remember how to have fun, but I do know that just as alcohol consumption has its appropriate use, it also has its destructive consequences.+â-è

If the DAILY NEWS editors wish to celebrate substance induced befuddlement, at least be fair. I would also like for the DAILY NEWS editors to take their responsibilities further by:

Attending several Alcoholic's Anonymous meetings to hear the devastation alcohol may wreak in a person's life, family and home. Holding an infant inflicted with fetal alcohol syndrome in their arms. Going to a DUI accident scene and help pull out of the car the drunk driver who just killed herself. Help pull out the innocent victims that drunk driver just killed too. Consoling the families and friends of the innocent victims. Explain to President Brownell how your alcohol promotion campaign benefits the university in terms of BSU reputation, impacts the goals of academic excellence (martinis before class?), and furthers the university vision of becoming a "national model."+â-è

If you do honestly intend to address the "upside" of drunkenness to an audience, most of whom could be arrested for underage drinking, please be responsible enough to address the very real downside of alcoholic consumption.+â-è

The manner in which you are currently addressing the issue is nothing less than contemptuous and irresponsible.+â-è

John Wallace

Professional staff


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