YART comes back in August

Art appreciators who don't purchase art because of outrageous prices can come to YART, a combination art sale and yard sale, where original art cannot be sold for more than $50. YART will be Aug. 23 on the corner of Walnut and Charles streets in downtown Muncie.

"Art students have so much artwork that they produce throughout the year," said this year's coordinator Lindsay Jilbert. "YART is a way for them to get rid of it."

YART was created several years ago by Ball State students and was first held in someone's front yard.

Since then it has expanded to include other entertainment and community artists.

"We provide entertainment and food so people can come out, have fun and stay," Jilbert said.

Eight bands have signed up to play from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Afterward a short film festival will feature the work of student Charlie Pond and his documentary on the band Brazil.

Jilbert said 15 artists signed up and space is still available. Those interested in participating should contact Jilbert at 254-1540.

"Anyone in the community is welcome to participate," Jilbert said. "There are artists as young as 12 involved."
