Iraq, Sept. 11 not connected; human lives not for 'scoreboard'


Dear Editor,

In Gordon Heck's May 22 column, he mentions, "about 2,500 Iraqi civilian casualties versus 3,000 civilians on Sept. 11." Did someone tell Mr. Heck that Iraq was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks?

Sure, Mr. Bush tried his darndest to make some sort of vague "terror" connection, but I was under the impression that most educated citizens (and journalists) knew far better. In any case, the comparison of human lives on some sort of scoreboard where one American life (especially one lost in an entirely unrelated event) cancels out an Iraqi life is an absurd notion at best.

Agent Orange may be gone, but that good old American humility that Mr. Heck speaks of ("We will win each and every time we fight") is alive and kicking.
