Our View: What Reality?

AT ISSUE: Television fad overshadowing important events on world stage.

It's out of control.

"Survivor" was the show that first revived the reality television concept. A few sequels later, things are getting out of hand with Fox's latest stunt, "Married by America."

The people who go on these shows make fools out of themselves in front of millions of people who are watching for just that. Sure, give the people what they want, but do we really want this? Isn't there something better?

Reality television isn't all that bad. "Joe Millionaire" was a stretch, but even that was entertaining to a degree.

But when the television networks want the general public to vote on a couple for wedlock after being screened by the respective families, it is no longer entertaining. That, of course, depends on your definition of entertainment.

The people who go on these shows make fools out of themselves in front of millions of people who are watching for just that. Sure, give the people what they want, but do we really want this? Isn't there something better?

Apparently not. On the horizon, according to Time magazine, are reality show topics including "The Real Beverly Hillbillies" and a show about Melissa Joan Hart's wedding. Really, who cares?

Most likely, the ratings will go through the roof, just as they did for "Joe Millionaire," every "Survivor" reincarnation and for "American Idol." Meanwhile, students will continue to sit in front of the television and marvel at not only the foolishness of the people on the tube, but the people who are in charge of these shows.

Good thing nothing important is going on in the world.


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