Letter to the editor: Middle ground of abortion issue must be found to prevent tragedy

Dear Editor,

I would like to respond to Ms. Linda Rabadi's Jan. 21, 2002 piece over the right of women to have abortions. First of all, I would like to acknowledge the tragedy of so many women dying due to illegal abortions before the Roe v. Wade decision.

This is an important point in trying to decide how abortion legislation should be handled. I would also like to point out the other tragedy involved. Many unborn children completely innocent of their lot have also been killed because of the legalization of abortion.

This is not about the right of a woman to do what she wants with her body. A woman involved in this type of situation, in my view, loses the right to do what she wants with her body when she chooses to have sex.

This still does not justify many women dying because they feel they have no other options. Even though I disagree with abortion and you, Ms. Rabadi, agree with it, I think there needs to be some sort of compromise in between. Neither of us may be totally satisfied with a middle ground. However it would still give us both a little of what we each may want.

A woman considering abortion should have to go through some sort of counseling to help her figure out all her options, such as adoption. There are women who go through an abortion who later deal with depression as a result. This is not healthy for the women anymore than the abortion was healthy for the baby. Abortion should not be an easy solution to an unwanted pregnancy.

There is a responsibility that the mother owes to her child. I know many pro-choice people prefer to use terms such as fetus rather than unborn child, but both terms are correct. A fetus is a part of the women's body, so shouldn't that imply that she would want to take care of that part just as she would take care of an arm or a leg?

Lesley Fortriede


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