Study Tips

At Issue: Daily News provides readership with unsolicited study tips

Finals week begins Tuesday.

With that in mind, the DAILY NEWS staff is proud to offer a collection of study tips to help students survive and succeed. Although the staff has little time to hit the books, a few good-humored members were able to offer insight.

"Don't freak out. You'll only make things worse," Jon Seidel, editor in chief, said just before turning and yelling at his computer.

"Wine will only make you sleepy," Erin Hein, managing editor, said from the couch in the editor's office. "It's true."

"Mountain Dew. Sweet, sweet Mountain Dew," John King, opinion page editor, chanted enigmatically.

"I sit down with a book and write stuff down," said Chris Schilling, assistant news editor. "Does that make me sound like a nerd?"

"Start off slow and taper off," said Jay Kenworthy, sports editor.

As serious journalists, some staffers were able to offer more enriching advice.

"Don't procrastinate," said Gail Koch, news editor. "Start projects early and finish early."

"Sleep. All-night studying has more negative effects than positive," said Chris Mihal, chief features designer.

"If you don't know it by now, you're not going to know it." said Greg Fallon, assistant sports editor.

"Wow, I don't feel so nerdy now," added Schilling.

Citing the need for precious study time, other staffers were unavailable for comment.

In all seriousness, no matter what your study habits may be, the DAILY NEWS wishes everyone good luck and successful test-taking this finals week.


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