Art show has low turnout

Canon Theory Project plans to have second showing, hoping for better numbers.

The Canon Theory Project presented Phase One of their Breathing Life art show with small attendance, but did not see it as a failure.

The show, which opened Tuesday evening, will continue through fall break in the new student art gallery, which was the old bookstore in the Student Center.

Tuesday's opening events consisted of a small turn-out to see a visual performance as well as the showcased art work by senior Lee Piechocki. He is also the president of The Canon Theory Project.

Vice President Richard Shuping said they did not get a good turn out, but hope for better and will learn from this lesson.

"Only four pieces were entered, and the faculty juror only selected one," Shuping said. "We're learning from our mistakes from this project and learning different ways to present the show."

The Canon Theory Project will begin Phase Two in December and hope that more people will submit work. Piechocki said their main problem was lack of advertising.

"You would think that people would want to create work for a student art show," Shuping said.

Because of the poor response for the first show, they decide to try once more. They will be accepting entries for their second show until Nov. 26. The show will be Dec. 2 through Jan. 10. Shuping said they will be accepting any entries that follow the theme Breathing Life.

"You breathe in and out, you're not just breathing air," Shuping said. "But it's more like the big topic of breathing life."

Shuping said possible entry ideas could be, but are not limited to, a performance piece, video collaboration, writing or poetry, and painting, drawing, or sculpture.

"It's about all artists getting together and working to create an artist medium," Shuping said.

The Canon Theory Project began two years ago. It started as an idea dealing with different topics and then aimed to look at the ideas around it and find a way to create work, Shuping said.

During UniverCity, The Canon Theory Project had tent for creating a community sculpture. The Project provided materials for those people who came through the tent city. Shuping said he saw older people begin creating and modeling with the materials and became like little children again.

The Canon Theory Project meets at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday on the 4th floor of the Art and Journalism Building. For more information about The Canon Theory Project go to''2#s*F breathingDNEditorial''2SORT:+â-ä2AUDT



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