The Price of Tea in China:


The school year is young and positively reeks with opportunity. I know you're thinking, "I certainly wish someone would shamelessly promote an organization so that I may become more involved with the goings-on at Ball State University, and therefore become a more well-rounded human being."

Well, today is your lucky day, because it is my duty to explain to you in great, narrative detail why you should join Ball State's own marching band, the Pride of Mid-America.

There are a number -- 2 -- of reasons. One, it is the largest student organization on campus and, though I have not researched this, I am confident that it has the largest sequin-to-member ratio. Second, in my experience with the Pride, one can march with an instrument even if he or she does not even know how to play it.

True story: On Aug. 11, I piled my stuff into my car and came to band camp with the full intention to play alto sax. I played the saxophone in middle and high school, and I thought marching with the saxophone was my best bet, as the band program quite unfortunately discourages the marching piano.

Then, a twist of fate: Upon my arrival, I quickly learned of a shortage in the sousaphone section.

For those unfamiliar with the standard "abnormally large and awkward" instruments, allow me to explain the principle.

Imagine that you are inside a circus tent made entirely of stainless steel. A hurricane causes the tent to fall on you and, struggling to free yourself from its heavy, massive confines, you roll and flail about on the ground.

Finally, when you are able to get up, you find that the whole tent has coiled and knotted itself around your entire upper body like a giant, metal hug. That is what a sousaphone is.

The section leaders were on a frantic quest to pillage other sections for potential players, so I (along with four other saxophonists) was called upon to join this ragtag team of scallywags. I decided that it was time to add a little spice, pizzazz and sex appeal to my humdrum life, so I hoisted the Jolly Roger and strapped on a sousa.

My new section took me in and went above and beyond to teach how to read the music and play the instrument. They made me a part of their family. That's really what band is all about. We are just a great big, red and white, dorky hat wearing, sequined, musical family.

So, how does one join our happy family? Go to room 117B in the music building. Someone there will give you the information necessary to continue on your merry, magical journey into Bandland.

Until then, the Pride will be performing at our home football game tomorrow against Indiana State University. Be there! Make admiring signs fastened with glitter! Go nuts! Cause a riot in the name of band!

And keep an eye out for me. I'll be the girl wearing the circus tent.

Write to Aleshia at


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