250 show for United Way 'Day of Caring'

In its 3rd year, event sent volunteers all over Delaware County.

Threatening storms Friday afternoon did not thwart volunteers helping with the United Way Day of Caring.

Friday began United Way's kick-off for their campaign season. The nationwide organization sent more than 250 volunteers all over Delaware County to different volunteer agencies.

John Guthrie, Community Service Director, said everything went as planned.

"Despite the rain, everything went well," Guthrie said. "Some landscape projects had to be delayed, but everything went fine."

Friday marked the third year United Way sponsored the Day of Caring. Guthrie said the two main goals of the project were to provide agencies with an attendance boost, and for those who contribute to the United Way to see where the money goes.

"It gives people an opportunity to get out the normal job and get a little dirty," Guthrie said.

Faculty and staff at Ball State also volunteered on Friday. Kathy Smith, Associate Director of the Office Leadership and Student Life, said 24 staff members in the office spent half the day helping. Smith rode in the Red Cross van delivering water and snacks to those working on the sites.

"It was really inspiring to see everyone donating their time to help the community," Smith said.

Guthrie said Ball State is the largest single contributor and employer in Delaware County. Smith said since Ball State the biggest employer in Delaware County, it would make sense that Ball State contributes the most money.


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