Notifying parents policy will not stop underage drinking

Upon reading the news of a new University policy that notifies parents of student policy violations, I must say that I was stunned. For such a so-called diverse, intellectual, open-minded institution of higher learning to take such a giant step backward in the area of student affairs is beyond me. Apparently, the originator of this legislation wishes to return to the 1950s, the days when colleges stood "in loco parentis" to students.

As a recent Daily News Editorial mentioned, college students are adults. College is a place to make mistakes and learn from them, apart from parental supervision. This policy defeats that purpose. If the problems with underage drinking are so severe, why not think of other punishments that more closely fit the crimes? And sorry, but sitting through a lecture about responsible choices (the current punishment for 1st time offenders) is not enough. But neither is informing a student's parents.

As a former RA, I can recall a Housing and Residence Life mission statement (posted around the halls) that called for students to grow and become independent during their time at Ball State.

I guess it's time to rewrite it, since this policy clearly negates those intentions. I was under the assumption that the BSU Housing and Residence Life Dept. was thought to be one of the nation's best. However, this regression into the days of letter sweaters and sock hops is not the solution to the problem of underage drinking.


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