Daily News should cover all Homecoming events

Dear Editor:

Throughout the past week or two, I have highly anticipated each of the Ball State Daily News publications concerning this year's Homecoming effort. As this year's Homecoming marketing and promotions chair and as Phi Gamma Delta's former Homecoming chairman, I have followed each event closely, witnessing first-hand the efforts of many fine men and women on the Ball State campus.

When Tuesday's paper arrived, and I found no mention of the Homecoming Ray Ashley Award Ceremony, I was very disappointed. All of the people who had worked hard and participated in this year's week-long events were neglected another year. It was this very reason that I opted to send this letter to the editor.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind the staff at the Daily News as well as the rest of the Ball State campus that Homecoming is more than a football game, a visit from Biff Henderson and a few clips on David Letterman. Homecoming is about traditions, alumni, and memories. It is about good times, campus pride and uniting in spirit. It is about the men and women of Woody/Shales and Crosley/Rogers residence halls decorating banners as well as their living quarters. It is about the University Singers and their second straight year of putting together the best vocal talent on campus. It is about the women of Alpha Omicron Pi spending hours, days and weeks on putting together a tremendous Air Jam performance and giving fantastic support for their own Homecoming efforts. It is about the FIJI's showing up to every single event in large numbers and, along with the women of Alpha Omicron Pi and the members of the University Singers, exhibiting the spirit that best exemplifies what Homecoming means to the students, faculty and alumni.

I would sincerely hope that in the future the staff at the Daily News remembers the people that make Homecoming a success for everyone and that the newspaper continues its support for Homecoming throughout the entire week of festivities. Following only a few of the bigger events detracts from campus spirit and degrades the men and women that have worked so hard in making this year's Homecoming a tremendous success. Please continue to do your duties and promote Ball State University in the appropriate manner by recognizing the students, faculty and alumni that made this year's 75th effort extra special for us all.

Mark McCormack
2001 Homecoming Marketing / Promotions Chair
2001 Public Relations Chair--Phi Gamma Delta
