Hate ignites quickly like a dripping

gasoline covered cloth to an electric

blue and searing red flame continuously

burning. Its voice is deep and seductive

luring you in for a moment too long.

It slivers up your arms touching

each tiny hair follicle, plucking up the skin

in hypnotizing goose bumps. It curves around your

shoulders fitting tightly with your spine

and strokes around your throat gripping,

tightening like a freshly tethered noose.

It snakes up around your face slithering

into your ears, mouth, nose and eyes.

And yet you can’t find the words to complain

because its breath is sweet and intoxicating.

It easily alters your perception drugging your mind

with whispers of derogatory tunes you recite. You

sway back and forth finding your rhythm with the hate

swirling inside of you. The words that emerge from your delicate

mouth turn it black and foul. Your friends back away

afraid of the acid you spew as you enter.

They do not understand what happened

to one of their own. But you can’t control it for the two

that conceived you no longer want you in their home. You

dirty their souls by being in their space. One touch and

they may contract the disease they believe you have. They

dig deep into their book of truths and deliver theirs to you.

“You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female;

it is an abomination.” And while their searing hate can easily

become your own, believe this to be true. You, are purely beautiful.