I’m queer.

I’m a feminist.

And I’m not good at what I do.

I’m bisexual.



All of these I’ll answer to,

But I prefer the final best.

I haven’t made it past the third episode of The L Word.

Kate Moennig was too much for me.

I stopped myself from watching.

I nipped my obsession in the bud.

I nurse my crushes on men,

Allow them to grow and flourish,

Because people stomach it better

When I fangirl in hetero.

I like to consider myself an activist.

I engage in feminist discourse.

But my voice is strongest in keyboard clicks,

And far too quiet in person.

I worry I’m pressing the wrong issues.

Or not raising the ones that need it.

I’m willing to say #myfavesareproblematic,

But I don’t easily let them go.

My feminism has become #feminism.




And I don’t think it’s #enough.

Many people can claim the same identifiers --

And many of them do.

I’m queer.

I’m a feminist.

And I’m not good at what I do.