Student Government Association Swears In Several New Cabinet Members

During the Student Government Association’s (SGA) inauguration ceremony on April 17, Vice President Monet Lindstrand swears in Brenna Large as the new vice president for the 2024-2025 school year at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN
During the Student Government Association’s (SGA) inauguration ceremony on April 17, Vice President Monet Lindstrand swears in Brenna Large as the new vice president for the 2024-2025 school year at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN

The Student Government Association (SGA) hosted its spring inauguration Wednesday afternoon. During the ceremony, several new members of the upcoming administration for the 2024-2025 school year were sworn in. 

The inauguration started with some words from SGA’s co-advisers, Abby Hayworth and Rae Kinsel. 

Kinsel welcomed everyone to the ceremony and thanked several people, such as Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Anand Marri and Vice President of Student Affairs Ro-Anne Royer Engle, for contributing to the senate's success this year. 

Hayworth reflected on the executive branch’s accomplishments, thanking President Joseph Gassensmith for his leadership within the branch. 

“The executive branch, under the guidance of President Gassensmith, completed multiple projects that expanded student awareness of the Student Government Association,” Hayworth said. “This includes a new bus shelter on McKinley, a pair of bike racks and expansion of the blue light emergency systems.” 

Hayworth also thanked Vice President Monet Lindstrand for her legislative branch leadership and their success in continuing to “advocate for student needs. 

“Under her leadership, the legislative branch accomplished a multitude of garden improvements, SGA tabling events, and an increase in senate recruitment,” she said.  

Lindstrand then presented senate orders that were bought to SGA throughout the year. The orders “recognize the passion and hard work of individuals, organizations and events at Ball State University.” 

She recognized The Ball State Daily News, Ball Bearings Magazine, Ball State Dance Marathon and the German club. 

After the senate orders, the ceremony moved into senator and cabinet awards. The award recipients are as follows: 

  • Senator of the Year: Sen. Shaina Miller
  • Rookie of the Year: Sen. Chelsea Murdock 
  • Chair of the Year: Sen. Hunter Case
  • Dynamic Duo: Casey Rockel & Skylar Ellis, Brenna Large & Monet Lindstrand
  • Cabinet Member of the Year: Sen. Payton Male 
  • Outstanding Community Service: Off-campus Caucus 
  • Caucus of the Year: Collegiate Caucus 
  • Committee of the Year: Student Services Committee 
  • Executive Board Member of the Year: President Joseph Gassensmith 
  • Administrator Award: Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Management James Lowe

When the awards portion of the ceremony concluded, graduating members were recognized for their SGA service, graduation cords were given out and Lindstrand swore in the returning SGA senators. 

President Pro Tempore Brenna Large started the 2024-2025 oaths of office by swearing in Sen. Shaina Miller as the new President Pro Tempore for the next school year.

Treasurer Isacc Ledford swore in Sen. Casey Rockel as the new treasurer and Chief Administrator Taylor Perry swore in Sen. Hunter Case as the new chief administrator. 

Before swearing in Large as the new vice president, Lindstrand reflected on her years in SGA and thanked various cabinet members for their hard work and support during her administration. 

“To me, one of the most important things that you can gain from any experience is a personal connection. And I'm grateful that I experienced this tenfold with student government,” Lindstrand said. 

Gassensmith also spoke a few words before swearing in Noah Poole as the new president. He thanked Chief of Staff Katrina Leming for helping to keep him “sane” over the past year, Lindstrand for being a “steadfast running mate” and the rest of his executive board. 

He also reflected on what he’s learned throughout his eight semesters in SGA.

“True leadership is not about titles, accolades, or accomplishments; it is about the character we embody and the positive change we strive to create in the world,” Gassensmith said. “It's about living out one's values every day, such as integrity, gratitude, social responsibility, and beneficence.”

After being sworn in, Poole gave a short speech expressing his gratitude for being elected and sworn into this position and his excitement for what his upcoming administration will accomplish at Ball State during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Contact Meghan Braddy with comments via email at or on X @meghan_braddy.


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