Student Government Association approves three new budget requests

Vice President Monet Lindstrand gives her executive report during the April 4 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN
Vice President Monet Lindstrand gives her executive report during the April 4 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN

During its meeting on April 4, the Student Government Association (SGA) received a special presentation from the Center for Survivor Support.

Anna McGee, the Associate Director of Health Promotion and Advocacy for Survivor Support, presented information about the center's mission, which is “to provide support to survivors of gender-based violence in any way possible.”

McGee also informed attendees about the upcoming sexual assault awareness events that are scheduled to take place on campus during April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. One of these events is “Take Back The Night,” where survivors of sexual assault can share their stories and experiences.

“If you or somebody that you know would like to share an experience of assault, of what it means to be a woman-identifying person in society [or] of what rape culture means to you, please feel free to [reach out],” McGee said. 

During special orders of business, three new budget requests were approved. 

The first request was for $1,540 to purchase new charging stations for campus libraries. These new chargers would include Type-C cables, unavailable at the current stations. 

The senate approved this request with 24 yays, eight nays, and zero abstentions.

Sen. Shaina Miller presented another budget request for the upcoming Earth Day Fair. 

She requested $59 for trivia prizes: recycled paper pens, milkweed seed packets and Earth Day stickers. The supplies would be used for SGA’s interactive table at the fair.

“SGA is not only using our normal tabling supplies, but we're also going to be doing some Earth Day sustainability trivia about the world to get more [students] engaged in sustainability here,” Miller said. 

The senate approved this request with 30 yays, zero nays, and two abstentions. 

For the third budget request, $60 was requested for resources to organize a tabling event for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This event is intended to raise awareness about the approaching FAFSA deadline by surveying financial accessibility to academic resources. 

President Joseph Gassensmith attended the meeting, but did not deliver an executive report and opted to wish everyone a "happy One Ball State Day."

Treasurer Isaac Ledford reminded senators to submit their budget requests as soon as possible, as the deadline for submission is approaching.

Chief of Staff Katrina Leming informed the senate that graduating cabinet members are working on their transition documents for the new administration.

The meeting was adjourned without any new or unfinished business to be voted on.

Contact Meghan Braddy with comments via email at or on X @meghan_braddy.


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