Ball State Student Government Association denies budget request, approves two new senators

<p>Senator Jackson Phenis presented a budget request for the Student Engagement Committee in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall B Dec. 6. The budget request was for three prize baskets for a tabling event. Madelyn Bracken, DN</p>

Senator Jackson Phenis presented a budget request for the Student Engagement Committee in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall B Dec. 6. The budget request was for three prize baskets for a tabling event. Madelyn Bracken, DN

The Ball State Student Government Association (SGA) began senate with two new At-Large Senators.

Jack Correa presented with points on improving the hours for dining halls and the recreational facilities on campus as well as working to improve campus safety. Correa was approved on a vote of 29-0 with one abstention.

Viktoriia Budiad had points dealing with diversity and inclusion, aiming to improve the general cultural knowledge of the Ball State University population. Budiad was approved on a vote of 29-0 and two abstentions.

The At-Large caucus presented a budget request for $38.68 for candy for a tabling event about the course withdrawal date. The request was approved 30-0 with two abstentions.

The Student Engagement Committee then made a motion to present their previously tabled budget request for their tabling event, as it was tabled by the senate last week due to a lack of information. They requested $449.59 for three prize baskets consisting of Ball State University branded goods as well as small items to grab from the table.

The request caused a long discussion period that was extended by two minutes upon its closing.

“I like the idea of a Ball State branded gift basket, but I just think three is an excessive amount for the amount that we’re having to pay,” Senator Shain Miller said.

The general problem for many senators seemed to be that the price was too high, including Senator Samuel Adams.

“Having money is not justification to waste it,” Senator Adams said.

The request was not approved on a vote of 13-18 and two abstentions.

SGA then went into executive reports. Vice President Monet Lindstrand updated the senate on their free menstrual products initiative. She expressed that they would be extending them to the library in the coming semester and is continuing to work with Health Promotion and Advocacy to extend their placement elsewhere on campus.

They then had caucus and committee meeting, and senate was adjourned.

Contact Madelyn Bracken with comments at


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