Student Government Association approves first senate amendment of the semester

Vice President Monet Lindstrand gives her executive report Nov. 29 in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. She announces the final dining advisory board meeting. Madelyn Bracken, DN
Vice President Monet Lindstrand gives her executive report Nov. 29 in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. She announces the final dining advisory board meeting. Madelyn Bracken, DN

The Ball State Student Government Association (SGA) began its meeting with a presentation from the Multicultural Center on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

Multicultural Center Graduate Assistant Jaylyn McDonald went over the basics of DEI, informing the senate about this information as well as encouraging participation in the presentation.

SGA had four special orders of business, one being At-Large caucus senate applicant Zach Tucker. He noted a platform point for the improvement of dietary restrictions options and labels in the dining halls. Tucker was approved on a vote of 26-1 with five abstentions.

“Right now there’s only two places where people with dietary restrictions can get their food and sometimes, depending on when you go to those places, it can be a 30-minute wait to a 45-minute wait which is just unacceptable,” Tucker said.

The Senate then had three budget requests. Two of these were tabled, meaning they would not be voting on them and will revisit them at a later meeting.

The third budget request was from the Organizational Caucus, which presented a budget request for a tabling event in the Atrium, proposing $35 for candy and paper handouts. It was approved on a vote of 31-0 with one abstention.

President Joseph Gassensmith was not present for his executive report. Vice President Money Lindstrand read the executive report in Gassensmith’s absence.

“He wanted me to let you all know that we are working on our midterm report,” Lindstrand said. “We’ve kind of divided up amongst the executive board the different projects we’ve been working on throughout the semester, and it will just have all the updates and what we’ve been doing.”

In her executive report, Lindstrand announced that she will have her final advisory board meeting of the semester following the senate.

SGA had one piece of unfinished business, senate amendment (SA) 03:23-24. This amendment would make various word and grammar changes to SGA’s governing documents to keep them up to date with the titles of officers as well as officers' duties. The amendment was approved on a vote of 31-0 with three abstentions.

SGA was adjourned following caucus and committee meetings.

Contact Madelyn Bracken with comments at


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