Is Crab Meat Safe for Dogs? 9 Things to Consider

Can dogs eat crab meat? Honestly, the answer may surprise you. The truth is that while crab can be a valuable part of your dog’s diet when given in moderation, the crab can still be dangerous for several reasons.

“Can dogs eat crab meat?” may not be the best-posed question. While the answer for some dogs may be that, yes, they can eat crab meat, other dogs might be better off without it.

Additionally, instead of asking, “can dog eat crab?” it may be better to ask what amount of crab meat is typically considered to be safe for a dog. However, even this can be based on several factors and likely feels more research, as the answer may be affected based on the dog’s breed, age, weight, and several other factors.

Can Dogs Eat Crab? What are the Benefits?

While sharing food with your dog could be nice and set with good intentions, it’s always important to consider the nutritional value of the food to the dog’s diet. Further, it’s always better to offer food to your dog if there’s some benefit that the food could present to the dog’s body and overall health.

Crab is an excellent source of lean protein, which can provide the body with amino acids that aid in some of the body’s physical functions.

There are also many vitamins and minerals in crab that can prove beneficial to a dog’s health, including overall physical and mental wellness.

● Crab can be loaded with zinc, which aids in several body functions. For example, proper zinc levels can support a dog’s immune system health and support the proper tasks of enzymes across your furry friend’s body. Zinc has even be shown to be helpful for a dog’s skin health, which could be good to consider if your dog’s breed commonly has skin conditions.

● B12 can also be found in crab, which is a vitamin that is known for supporting the cognitive health of dogs, as well as in humans. Unfortunately, this vitamin is not always naturally occurring in foods, and finding solid sources can be quite difficult.

● Crab is also high in omega-3, a powerful fatty acid known for supporting heart health and the proper production of energy within a dog’s body. This is another substance that can also prove helpful for healthy skin on your pup.

What are the Potential Risks of Feeding Dogs Crab?

So, can dogs eat crab? As stated above, crab meat can provide some proven benefits to your dog’s health. However, it’s worth
weighing the risks and researching to see if it would be better for your dog to be receiving those benefits from elsewhere.

Cook and Prepare Your Crab

For instance, you must be sure to properly cook and otherwise correctly prepare crab meat before feeding it to your pup. Likewise, crab should never be given to your dog raw, especially if you’ve only found a crab on the beach or caught it fresh.

Never Give Your Pup the Shell

First off, a dog should not be allowed to attempt to eat a crab’s shell, whether the shell is in pieces or still whole. The crab shell can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort in your dog’s mouth, resulting in cuts and other wounds on the soft tissue.

If shell parts are swallowed, your dog could be put at further risk. It’s highly likely that the shell could tear through the muscles and tissues in the dog’s digestive system. Not only will this also cause a significant amount of pain for your dog, but it can also increase the likelihood that bad bacteria could enter your pup’s bloodstream.

Crab can Introduce Parasites

Crab, especially if it hasn’t been adequately prepared and cooked, can introduce nasty parasites to your furry friend’s digestive system. This makes them much more likely to get seriously ill and experience a variety of gastrointestinal discomforts that would be wisely avoided.

Only Give Crab to Your Dog in Moderation

While the sodium, iodine, and cholesterol levels in small amounts of crab are not likely to cause harm to your dog, the same cannot be said for high amounts of these.

Too much sodium, cholesterol, and iodine can make your dog sick and interrupt normal body functions in your canine.

Crab Allergies

Did you know that crab is one of the more common allergies dogs can have? It can cause some irritation and discomfort, and in some rare cases, the reaction could be even more severe.

If you try to give your dog crab meat, this should be done slowly and in small amounts. Keep your eyes on your dog’s symptoms. If you notice changes in your dog’s stool or discomfort while using the restroom, take note!

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