Loud and Clear: Christmas in a drink

Eggnog is a perfect festive drink that needs more love

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TNS file

Elena Stidham is a journalism and telecommunications major and writes “Loud and Clear” for The Daily News. Her views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Elena at emstidham@bsu.edu.

Each holiday has that one food that completely polarises humanity as much as politics. It can range from something simple as candy corn on Halloween to something as personal as cranberry relish on Thanksgiving. 

The Christmas season especially though has one treat that brings a great divide among average citizens and festive freaks alike. No, it’s not peppermint. 

It’s eggnog. 

You know how Twix advertises a divide between the left and right Twix when there really is no significance or difference between them? Everybody I know is divided on eggnog in the same way. 

The correct answer, though, is that eggnog is actually delicious. 

I first had a drink of eggnog when I was 7 years old and back then, I didn’t like it. Needless to say it was quite a surprise when I tried the drink again at 16 and realised what I’ve been missing out on. I’ve come to realise that this yummy drink is perfect at this time of year. 

It’s not even an acquired taste: it’s sweet, but not too sweet, with hints of cinnamon as a form of spice. It feels like the Christmas lights all around you are tingling on your mouth. The texture feels like a thinned cake batter, and it’s all the more reason why it’s so fun to drink: it reminds me of baking during the holidays. How is that an unpleasant feeling? 

I get excited every time I go home and see eggnog in the fridge because it’s a perfect drink for the perfect season. It seems like Christmas itself is in a drink form, I don’t understand how people don’t like it.

According to kidshealth.com, our taste buds die and regenerate every two weeks. Which is why as we get older we tend to like the things we didn’t like when we were kids or even vice versa. 

Most people I’ve spoken with who despise eggnog haven’t had it since they were kids and all they have left is a memory of a flavor that’s definitely changed in the past decade. 

This Christmas, I challenge you to try eggnog again or even for the first time. Maybe you’ll surprise yourself with an extra present this year: the gift of an amazing drink. 


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