Jacobs Orchard Adds New Features

<p>Jacobs Family Orchard is a place to go and celebrate fall. They have fresh made donuts, hay rides and apple picking. <strong>Jacobs Family Orchard, </strong><strong>Photo Provided.</strong></p>


Jacobs Family Orchard is a place to go and celebrate fall. They have fresh made donuts, hay rides and apple picking. Jacobs Family Orchard, Photo Provided.

When you walk in the doors of Jacobs Family Orchard you smell freshly made donuts, apples, and all things fall. 

Aside from the usual attractions this year they have added walk up windows. 

“These windows are meant to make things move faster for customers,” Orchard Manager Stephanie Jacobs said. 

In the past, customers had to go inside the store and wait in line to order a sweet treat. Now things are slightly different allowing customers to order donuts, turnovers or slushies at the outdoor windows. 

If you want to go to the orchard you can visit their website at jacobsfamily orchard.com 


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