A digital life

Kenzie Gossett sat in her room, staring at the computer screen. The page she had pulled up was an interesting shade of blue, not light, but not quite dark either. In the middle were two boxes, underneath one word: Tumblr. She finally decided to create an account.

Shortly after, she started talking to other users. The first was named Henry, and Kenzie, a shy sixteen-year-old from White House, Tennessee, thought the German boy was interesting. He had also recently been through a breakup, and the two helped each other get through the hard time—creating a friendship that didn’t need physical contact.

The continuous evolution of communication has allowed for relationships like Kenzie’s to form and change the way we go about creating them. And those changes sometimes affect more than we would think.

Kenzie has seen those changes personally.

The more she talked to people on Tumblr, as well as other social media sites, the more she realized she could be more true to herself. When she was writing, she could express her thoughts clearly—sometimes even saying things she wouldn’t say in person.

The same year she met Henry, she started talking more to a girl she had known since middle school. Her name was Alex, and although she had moved away after middle school, they were still friends—both in the actual sense of the word and on Facebook. Facebook would be what brought them back together.

Alex had posted a status about being bisexual and proud, something Kenzie thought was amazing. That’s cool, she thought. I’m not, but that’s cool. But she was lying.

To continue reading, visit ballbearingsmag.com.


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