LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: Summer may be quiet, but we aren't

The Daily News

When the academic year finally ends and summer begins, a bustling and busy Ball State campus turns into a hollow shell. Even summer classes starting up doesn’t help with so many students turning to sleeping in and taking classes online instead.

It makes covering what’s happening at Ball State more challenging, but not impossible.

This will be my second summer in Muncie working for The Ball State Daily News, my first as editor-in-chief. I know all too well what Muncie is like, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything you need to know.

In fact, this summer is going to be an important one for those students who will still be around for the next two years as Ball State begins preparations to settle on a new budget. That means conversations about tuition hikes will be at the forefront of discussions all summer long. A hike similar to the last tuition increase could mean $350 to $400 dollars out of your pocket. 

The city is also considering a $60 million dollar investment in the Village that will add a parking garage and commercial space. 

And that’s not all. The university passed a campus-wide tobacco band, eliminating all designated smoking areas beginning Aug. 1. 

There are things still happening that affect Ball State students and we’ll be here to report on them.

When covering the news, sometimes it falls in your lap, but oftentimes you have to search it out and provide context. That’s our job this summer. Maybe there aren’t student events littering the calendar every week, but Ball State students still need to know what’s happening and why it matters. 

We’ll be here researching and reporting to tell the best stories we can about the Ball State campus.

You can get involved, too. We want your input on what’s going on and what’s important to Ball State students. Let us know. Don’t forget to stay updated with our website all summer as we continue producing stories, photos and videos.

While classes and work continue at Ball State, so will our efforts to continue improving the way we tell stories on campus.


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