Just like a sporting event, opposing forces are clashing for a victory

Senators have invested approximately two years into restructuring the system, and in the process, created three alternatives:

< B>-- The Faculty Senate Model

< B>The faculty-senate model, sometimes referred to as the three-senate system, creates a senate for faculty and professional personnel. These two new creations, along with the Student Senate, would have their own committees and constitutions and would work independently of each other.

One of the more controversial aspects of the model was the executive committee. The executive committee would edit legislation from other senates and see if similar legislation is pending in other senates, similar to a conference committee in Congress.

< B>-- The Revised Senate Model< B>

Senate membership, terms and representation would remain basically unaltered. Faculty would still have majority representation. The vice chairs of the council, however, would be included in the senate, increasing the number of senators to 58.

The Campus Affairs Council will replace the Student and Campus Life Council and inherit its responsibilities.

The model also attempts to formalize the relationship between Student Senate and University Senate. The Student Senate will have a direct channel to the University Senate Agenda Committee. Under the current system, any action by Student Senate must go to the Student and Campus Life Council.

Under either proposal, Student Senate will still be able to send bills directly to the president.

< B>-- The Compromise Model

< B> The last model, and the one that will likely compete with the current system, even though Senators can still try and approve one of the other two models.

The compromise model is a hybrid of the other two. It keeps the University Senate system, though it could shrink it from 650 members to 387 members (no numbers have been finalized yet).

The compromise model would abolish the current University Senate councils, which are responsible for guiding most policy to the senate. The councils would be replaced with a university affairs council, a faculty council and a campus council.

The University Senate would become a filtering body above Student Senate and the proposed councils.nn>3?n-¦GSenate model descriptionsDNEditorial3"=*FSenate model descriptionsDNEditorialnn>#@RB+â-ä>AUDT



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